Experienced Attorneys for PA Alimony and Spousal Support Matters

Divorce can have a significant financial impact on the parties — particularly in cases where one spouse was financially dependent upon the other in the marriage or one spouse or the equities may require some form of payment when alimony is unavailable. Accordingly, alimony and spousal support are some of the most contentious issues that can arise in connection with a Pennsylvania divorce. At Berman & Associates, our experienced alimony lawyer team understands the economic toll a divorce can take and are committed to offering reliable representation to clients facing alimony and spousal support issues.

Skillful Alimony Lawyers for All Types of Alimony and Spousal Support

Payments from one separated or divorced spouse to the other are available in differing circumstances. Pennsylvania law recognizes various kinds of such payments, known as Spousal Support, Alimony Pendente Lite, Alimony, and Equitable Reimbursement. Berman & Associates spousal support are payments made by the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning spouse in order to allow them an opportunity to get back on their feet. However, there is no automatic entitlement to alimony. Under Pennsylvania law, alimony is discretionary and based on a number of factors, including the length of the marriage, spousal income, the health conditions of the spouses, each spouse’s ability to support themselves, and other relevant factors. A court may allow alimony as it deems reasonable to either party in a divorce if it finds it to be necessary.

There are several types of alimony or spousal support that can be paid in a Pennsylvania divorce case. Our alimony lawyers assist with cases involving all types of alimony, including the following:

  • Spousal support — Spousal support can be ordered when parties have separated but a divorce case has not been initiated. Spousal support can also be ordered after a divorce has been initiated. In either case, there are defenses to entitlement based on the reasons for the separation, and there is a complicated calculation of the amounts that depend on many factors.
  • Alimony pendente lite — This type of spousal support is available after a divorce has been initiated, and can continue while the case is ongoing. The existence of a divorce action creates the entitlement and the calculation is based on the difference between the incomes of the spouses. An order for this type of alimony cannot be active at the same time a spousal support order is active and will terminate once the divorce judgment is issued. It’s purpose is to “level the playing field” so that both spouses can maintain themselves and bear the financial burden of litigating a divorce.
  • Alimony after a divorce — Upon the finalization of a divorce, alimony may be awarded in the event the court determines it to be necessary for a financially dependent spouse to get back on their feet. The length of time and amount can vary considerably from case to case, based on the specific facts and circumstances.
  • Equitable reimbursement — In some cases, a spouse may have quit their job to return to school or obtain advanced training in order to increase their earning capacity, while the other spouse became the sole income earner; or one spouse has wasted the marital assets so that there are insufficient assets to provide to the other spouse, and the only way to compensate that spouse for their contribution to the marriage and create equity is to order periodic “alimony-like” payments even where alimony would not permitted.

Disputes and difficult legal issues often arise regarding what should be counted as income for the purposes of support or alimony — and whether support or alimony should be paid at all. A knowledgeable support or alimony lawyer can safeguard your rights and protect your financial interests. Whether you are the spouse paying or receiving spousal support or alimony, our divorce lawyers at Berman & Associates can assess your support or alimony matter, advise you regarding your options, and provide you with high-quality legal preparation and argument.

Helping You Understand Your Legal Rights and Obligations

Understanding Pennsylvania alimony and spousal support can be complex, and it’s crucial to have an experienced alimony attorney by your side to help you navigate the legal process. At Berman & Associates, we are dedicated to skillfully advising our clients regarding their rights and obligations when it comes to alimony matters. Providing personalized time and attention in every case, we assist our clients with a wide variety of alimony matters, such as:

  • Protecting their separate maintenance rights prior to divorce
  • Obtaining alimony pendente lite to ensure the dependent spouse has the ability to support their living expenses and legal fees
  • Handling disputes as to the award, amount, duration, or conditions of alimony after the divorce is finalized
  • Considering the effect of prenuptial or postnuptial agreement terms on alimony or support rights
  • Explaining the effects of misconduct during the marriage on the right to alimony or support
  • Determining what should be counted as income, including from a personally-owned business

Importantly, no two alimony matters are the same and every case requires a careful assessment of the facts and circumstances. At Berman & Associates, our experienced alimony lawyers allow us to make an informed analysis of how a family court judge would likely rule in your case. We then use our detailed assessment as the basis for negotiating the terms that will meet your needs. While we first consider alternative dispute resolution methods to resolve your alimony matter as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible, we are also aggressive courtroom advocates who know what it takes to prevail in litigation.

Contact a Knowledgeable Pennsylvania Alimony Lawyer

If you are facing an alimony issue, we invite you to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced alimony lawyer. Based in Media, Pennsylvania, we represent clients throughout Delaware County and Philadelphia for a wide variety of divorce matters, including those concerning alimony and spousal support. Please call our Pennsylvania family law firm at (610) 565-9696 or contact our divorce attorneys online to learn how we can help.